Community Nursing Care is provided to participants who has complex individual support needs that are best met by someone who has medical training and experience to meet the participants’ complex health needs.
- Very limited communication
- Behaviour support needs, and/or
- Medical needs / procedures such as ventilation or home enteral nutrition
- Kindly Care Australia is Registered NDIS Provider for Community Nursing Care. We are registered to deliver:
- Complex Bowel Care
- Enteral (Nasogastric Tube – Jejunum or Duodenum) Feeding and Management
- Tracheostomy Management
- Urinary Catheter Management (In-dwelling Urinary Catheter, In-out Catheter, Suprapubic Catheter)
- Subcutaneous Injections
- Complex Wound Management
- Day-to-day management of medications
- Ventilator management
We have certified and experienced medical professionals on board with us who can render community nursing care NDIS programs to all our participants. Once you sign up with us, we allot a medical support staff who will be in touch with you to discuss, monitor, and provide feedback on your medication, treatments, and progress. Besides the NDIS community nursing care services, they will offer advice on how to engage in basic self-care and nursing where in one will become capable of doing simple things like wound care or first aid on their own.